Ruth A-D
Music and other creative compulsions
Musician, songwriter, artist, maker of wings, a believer in the magic of the power of our minds, practitioner, coach, monster tamer,
photography enthusiast, tea drinker.
War On Dreams Video
by Ruth A-D
Hello & Welcome
creative expression, creative health, creative living
I am a songwriter and multi-creative who has a foot in both the creative and the healing arts.
This site is the hub for my creative projects.
My focus is:
CREATIVE EXPRESSION - music, art, photography, writing and beyond
CREATIVE HEALTH - living in balance and wellness with creativity
CREATIVE LIVING - being our bravest, most authentic self in both our life and our work
Have a look around, make yourself at home.
Feel free to subscribe for more details or link in via socials to stay in touch.

Music available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and other digital retailers.
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For infrequent updates, ramblings and musings
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